Online Primary Sources

for Russian, Caucasian, Central Asian, Eastern & Central Europe Studies

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Bulgarian Portal "Promjanata 1989. Predi i sled" [Change 1989 - before and after]

Bulgarian State Archive

Stories, Pictures, Films or Other Items Relating to the Events of 1989 in Central & Eastern Europe

Digital Archive of Memorabilia

Digitized Bavarian and Czech Archives

Porta fontium: Bavarian-Czech Network of Digital History Sources

Thematic selections

"NKVD / KGB / FSB" in the sources

29 KGB Training Manuals, 1965-1989

Michael Weiss

Free Russia Foundation

Latvian KGB Archives

Latvian State Archive

Digital Archive of NKVD / KGB Documents on Czechoslovak History, 1920-1950s

Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Czech Republic

University of West Bohemia in Pilsen

Archive Department of the Security Service of Ukraine