for Russian, Caucasian, Central Asian, Eastern & Central Europe Studies
Last updates
Timeline of Georgian-Ossetian Conflict, 1977-2008
Institute for the Study of Nationalism and Conflicts (ISNC)
Monuments of Industrial Architecture in St Petersburg, 17th-20th Century
Private Initiative
Beyond Caricature - The Oskar Schmerling Digital Archive
Private Initiative
Thematic selections
"Poland" in the sources
The Roman Ingarden Digital Archive
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland
E-Collection of Rare Polish Journals
University Library in Warsaw
BazHum Bibliographic Database of Polish Scientific Humanities and Social Journals
Polish History Museum in Warsaw
"Encyclopedia" in the sources
The Jewish Encyclopedia in 12 Volumes
The Kopelman Foundation
Encyclopedia "Polish Petersbourg", 18th-21st Century
D.S. Likhachev Foundation
Encyclopedia of Charity. St. Petersburg, 17th-21st Century
D.S. Likhachev Foundation
"Russian Soldiers' Life in War and After" in the sources
"Pamiatka uchastnikam SVO i chlenam ikh semei o lgotakh, merakh sotsialnoi podderzhki", 2024 (Brochure)
Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Region
"Pamiatka zhenam uchastnikam SVO. Prostye pravila kak podderzhat boitsa", 2024 (Brochure)
"Tsenim zhizn" Public Organization, Kazan
"Soratnik" Autonomous Russian Non-Profit Organization, Moscow
"GaGaRa" Center for Anti-Crisis Psychological Training and Psychological Assistance, Moscow
A. Razumov, G. Kriukov, A. Kuznetsov, Zhivu, srazhaius, pobezhdaiu! Pravila zhizni na voine, M., 2022 (Brochure)
All-Russian Public Organization Russian Union of Veterans of Afghanistan and Special Military Operations
"NKVD / KGB / FSB" in the sources
29 KGB Training Manuals, 1965-1989
Michael Weiss
Free Russia Foundation
Latvian KGB Archives
Latvian State Archive
Digital Archive of NKVD / KGB Documents on Czechoslovak History, 1920-1950s
Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Czech Republic
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Archive Department of the Security Service of Ukraine
"Children's Drawings" in the sources
The Revolution of 1917 in the Drawings of Children - Eyewitnesses of the Events (After October)
Internet Journal "Podmoskovny Kraeved"
Collection of Children's Drawings on the War in Ukraine
Children Drawing Collection from the Terezín (Theresienstadt) Ghetto
Jewish Museum in Prague
"Elizavetograd City through the Ages" in the sources
Zionist Organizations in Elisavetgrad (Kirovograd, Kropyvnytskyi) District, 1901-1902
The Edward Blank YIVO Vilna Online Collections
Elisavetgrad (today Kropyvnytskyi) Jewish Men's Gymnasium of Shalyta and Volova Archival Documents, 1917-1920
State Archives of Kirovohrad Region
Elisavetgrad (today Kropyvnytskyi) City Duma Archival Documents, XVIIIth-XIXth Century
State Archives of Kirovohrad Region
"Cold War" in the sources
Radio Free Europe/Free Europe Committee - Encrypted Telex Communication, 1949-1973
Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives
Audio Recordings of the Trial of the Espionage and Sabotage Group of Josef Zenáhlík (Nov. 1953)
National Archives of the Czech Republic
Visual Guide of the Cold War
Center for Slavic, Eurasian and East European Studies (University of North Carolina)
"Environment" in the sources
Territory of Russia Collection, 19th-20th Century
Yeltsin Presidential Library
"Geography, Environment, Sustainability" Journal (2010-present)
Russian Geographic Society
Moscow "Historical Ecology" Series on the 20th century, 1901-1991 (Books)
Private Initiative
"Oral history" in the sources
Transformation of Civil Society: Oral History of Ukrainian Village Culture of the 1920-30s
Prairie Centre for the Study of Ukrainian Heritage
Oral History Project: Polish Witnesses Affected by Soviet Repression and Deported to Siberia
Military Museum in Bialystok
The Baltic Video Archive of Stanford Libraries (Testimonies)
Stanford Libraries
"Non Book Materials" in the sources
Georgian Labels & Trademarks
National Parliamentary Library of Georgia
Encyclopedia of Wine and Cognac Labels of the USSR
Private Initiative
Non Book Materials Digital Collections
Nekrasov Library
"Education" in the sources
Elisavetgrad (today Kropyvnytskyi) Jewish Men's Gymnasium of Shalyta and Volova Archival Documents, 1917-1920
State Archives of Kirovohrad Region
Ustav Moskovskikh vysshikh zhenskikh kursov: proekt, vyrabotannyi soveshchaniem professorov pod predsedatelstvom ministra narodnogo prosveshcheniia grafa I.I. Tolstogo v 1906 (Book)
State Public Historical Library (GPIB)
"Uchitelskaia Gazeta" Weekly Newspaper (2015-present)
Joint Stock Company "Publishing House Uchitelskaia Gazeta"
"Emigration" in the sources
Librarium. Russians Without Russia. Press Archive 1917-1939
Private Initiative
Project Emigrant - Catalog of Russian Periodicals Abroad
Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russia Abroad
Ukrainian Diasporiana Online Library
Institute of Journalism & Mass Communication of the Classic Private University Zaporozhye
"Chernobyl" in the sources
28 Translated Documents on Chernobyl, 1973-1991
The Wilson Center
Chernobyl Oral History Archive
Chair of German Philology and Translation (Kharkiv National Karasin University, Faculty of Foreign Languages)
Chernobyl Digital Collection
University of Washington
"Cinema" in the sources
Russian Film Hub (1909-2019)
Private Initiative
Movie Scenarios 1913-1917 Collection
Higher School of Economics
Libretto of Russian Films 1908-1917 Collection
Higher School of Economics
"Imperial Russia" in the sources
Imperial Russian Historical Society Collection (1867-1916)
State Public Historical Library (GPIB)
"Olonetskie Gubernskie Vedemosti" Weekly Magazine (1838-1917)
National Library of the Republic of Karelia
Online Source Information System on the First General Population Census of the Russian Empire in 1897
Faculty of History, Altai State University
"Sounds" in the sources
Latvia's Historical Sound Recordings
National Digital Library of Latvia
Sounds of the Soviet Union
Marxist Internet archive
WNYC Recordings from Radio Moscow
WYNC New York Public Radio
"Kazakhstan" in the sources
Kazakh Literature and Animated Cartoons Portal for Children
Kazakhstan State Language Development Fund
National Digital History of Kazakhstan
Qazaqstan Tarihy Portal
Kazakhstan National Electronic Library
National Academic Library of Republic of Kazakhstan
"Youth" in the sources
"Тekhnika - Molodezhi" Magazine (1933-2012)
Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications
Youth Subculture in the 1980s
Private Initiative
Soviet Hooligans
Private Initiative
"Holodomor" in the sources
Holodomor Survivor Testimonies
Holodomor Museum
Holodomor Karkhiv Region Documents and Testimonies, 1932-1933
State Archives of Kharkiv Region
Online Holodomor Photo Directory
The Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (HREC)
"Dissent" in the sources
Database of Soviet Samizdat Periodicals
University of Toronto Libraries
Tamizdat Directory (1956-1991)
Private Initiative
Czech Women in Dissent
Research Program of the Strategy AV 21 "Europe and the State"
"Ukrainian Periodicals" in the sources
Ukrainian Journals (1818-1941)
Ukrainian Digital Library of Historical and Cultural Heritage
Ukrainian Newspapers (1880-1943)
Ukrainian Digital Library of Historical and Cultural Heritage
Ukrainian Academic Journals (1897-2012)
Libraria, Ukrainian Online Periodicals Archive
"Poland" in the sources
The Roman Ingarden Digital Archive
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland
E-Collection of Rare Polish Journals
University Library in Warsaw
BazHum Bibliographic Database of Polish Scientific Humanities and Social Journals
Polish History Museum in Warsaw
"Encyclopedia" in the sources
The Jewish Encyclopedia in 12 Volumes
The Kopelman Foundation
Encyclopedia "Polish Petersbourg", 18th-21st Century
D.S. Likhachev Foundation
Encyclopedia of Charity. St. Petersburg, 17th-21st Century
D.S. Likhachev Foundation
"Russian Soldiers' Life in War and After" in the sources
"Pamiatka uchastnikam SVO i chlenam ikh semei o lgotakh, merakh sotsialnoi podderzhki", 2024 (Brochure)
Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Region
"Pamiatka zhenam uchastnikam SVO. Prostye pravila kak podderzhat boitsa", 2024 (Brochure)
"Tsenim zhizn" Public Organization, Kazan
"Soratnik" Autonomous Russian Non-Profit Organization, Moscow
"GaGaRa" Center for Anti-Crisis Psychological Training and Psychological Assistance, Moscow
A. Razumov, G. Kriukov, A. Kuznetsov, Zhivu, srazhaius, pobezhdaiu! Pravila zhizni na voine, M., 2022 (Brochure)
All-Russian Public Organization Russian Union of Veterans of Afghanistan and Special Military Operations
"NKVD / KGB / FSB" in the sources
29 KGB Training Manuals, 1965-1989
Michael Weiss
Free Russia Foundation
Latvian KGB Archives
Latvian State Archive
Digital Archive of NKVD / KGB Documents on Czechoslovak History, 1920-1950s
Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Czech Republic
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Archive Department of the Security Service of Ukraine
"Children's Drawings" in the sources
The Revolution of 1917 in the Drawings of Children - Eyewitnesses of the Events (After October)
Internet Journal "Podmoskovny Kraeved"
Collection of Children's Drawings on the War in Ukraine
Children Drawing Collection from the Terezín (Theresienstadt) Ghetto
Jewish Museum in Prague
"Elizavetograd City through the Ages" in the sources
Zionist Organizations in Elisavetgrad (Kirovograd, Kropyvnytskyi) District, 1901-1902
The Edward Blank YIVO Vilna Online Collections
Elisavetgrad (today Kropyvnytskyi) Jewish Men's Gymnasium of Shalyta and Volova Archival Documents, 1917-1920
State Archives of Kirovohrad Region
Elisavetgrad (today Kropyvnytskyi) City Duma Archival Documents, XVIIIth-XIXth Century
State Archives of Kirovohrad Region
"Cold War" in the sources
Radio Free Europe/Free Europe Committee - Encrypted Telex Communication, 1949-1973
Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives
Audio Recordings of the Trial of the Espionage and Sabotage Group of Josef Zenáhlík (Nov. 1953)
National Archives of the Czech Republic
Visual Guide of the Cold War
Center for Slavic, Eurasian and East European Studies (University of North Carolina)
"Environment" in the sources
Territory of Russia Collection, 19th-20th Century
Yeltsin Presidential Library
"Geography, Environment, Sustainability" Journal (2010-present)
Russian Geographic Society
Moscow "Historical Ecology" Series on the 20th century, 1901-1991 (Books)
Private Initiative
"Oral history" in the sources
Transformation of Civil Society: Oral History of Ukrainian Village Culture of the 1920-30s
Prairie Centre for the Study of Ukrainian Heritage
Oral History Project: Polish Witnesses Affected by Soviet Repression and Deported to Siberia
Military Museum in Bialystok
The Baltic Video Archive of Stanford Libraries (Testimonies)
Stanford Libraries
"Non Book Materials" in the sources
Georgian Labels & Trademarks
National Parliamentary Library of Georgia
Encyclopedia of Wine and Cognac Labels of the USSR
Private Initiative
Non Book Materials Digital Collections
Nekrasov Library
"Education" in the sources
Elisavetgrad (today Kropyvnytskyi) Jewish Men's Gymnasium of Shalyta and Volova Archival Documents, 1917-1920
State Archives of Kirovohrad Region
Ustav Moskovskikh vysshikh zhenskikh kursov: proekt, vyrabotannyi soveshchaniem professorov pod predsedatelstvom ministra narodnogo prosveshcheniia grafa I.I. Tolstogo v 1906 (Book)
State Public Historical Library (GPIB)
"Uchitelskaia Gazeta" Weekly Newspaper (2015-present)
Joint Stock Company "Publishing House Uchitelskaia Gazeta"
"Emigration" in the sources
Librarium. Russians Without Russia. Press Archive 1917-1939
Private Initiative
Project Emigrant - Catalog of Russian Periodicals Abroad
Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russia Abroad
Ukrainian Diasporiana Online Library
Institute of Journalism & Mass Communication of the Classic Private University Zaporozhye
"Chernobyl" in the sources
28 Translated Documents on Chernobyl, 1973-1991
The Wilson Center
Chernobyl Oral History Archive
Chair of German Philology and Translation (Kharkiv National Karasin University, Faculty of Foreign Languages)
Chernobyl Digital Collection
University of Washington
"Cinema" in the sources
Russian Film Hub (1909-2019)
Private Initiative
Movie Scenarios 1913-1917 Collection
Higher School of Economics
Libretto of Russian Films 1908-1917 Collection
Higher School of Economics
"Imperial Russia" in the sources
Imperial Russian Historical Society Collection (1867-1916)
State Public Historical Library (GPIB)
"Olonetskie Gubernskie Vedemosti" Weekly Magazine (1838-1917)
National Library of the Republic of Karelia
Online Source Information System on the First General Population Census of the Russian Empire in 1897
Faculty of History, Altai State University
"Sounds" in the sources
Latvia's Historical Sound Recordings
National Digital Library of Latvia
Sounds of the Soviet Union
Marxist Internet archive
WNYC Recordings from Radio Moscow
WYNC New York Public Radio
"Kazakhstan" in the sources
Kazakh Literature and Animated Cartoons Portal for Children
Kazakhstan State Language Development Fund
National Digital History of Kazakhstan
Qazaqstan Tarihy Portal
Kazakhstan National Electronic Library
National Academic Library of Republic of Kazakhstan
"Youth" in the sources
"Тekhnika - Molodezhi" Magazine (1933-2012)
Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications
Youth Subculture in the 1980s
Private Initiative
Soviet Hooligans
Private Initiative
"Holodomor" in the sources
Holodomor Survivor Testimonies
Holodomor Museum
Holodomor Karkhiv Region Documents and Testimonies, 1932-1933
State Archives of Kharkiv Region
Online Holodomor Photo Directory
The Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (HREC)
"Dissent" in the sources
Database of Soviet Samizdat Periodicals
University of Toronto Libraries
Tamizdat Directory (1956-1991)
Private Initiative
Czech Women in Dissent
Research Program of the Strategy AV 21 "Europe and the State"
"Ukrainian Periodicals" in the sources
Ukrainian Journals (1818-1941)
Ukrainian Digital Library of Historical and Cultural Heritage
Ukrainian Newspapers (1880-1943)
Ukrainian Digital Library of Historical and Cultural Heritage
Ukrainian Academic Journals (1897-2012)
Libraria, Ukrainian Online Periodicals Archive
"Poland" in the sources
The Roman Ingarden Digital Archive
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland
E-Collection of Rare Polish Journals
University Library in Warsaw
BazHum Bibliographic Database of Polish Scientific Humanities and Social Journals
Polish History Museum in Warsaw